Little Girl, Little Girl --3 Part Exclusive Lab
This lab is ALL about you tapping in and getting connected to that “little girl” inside. Connecting with her will allow you to remember that she’s there, reconnect with WHO she is and WHAT she needs…(yes, even at this BIG AGE), and realign your life with her...current day
This lab is ALL about you tapping in and getting connected to that “little girl” inside. Connecting with her will allow you to remember that she’s there, reconnect with WHO she is and WHAT she needs…(yes, even at this BIG AGE), and realign your life with her...current day
This lab is ALL about you tapping in and getting connected to that “little girl” inside. Connecting with her will allow you to remember that she’s there, reconnect with WHO she is and WHAT she needs…(yes, even at this BIG AGE), and realign your life with her...current day
What You Will Learn:
How to RECOGNIZE the little girl that is still inside. You will also learn how to get curious about who that “little girl” is through reconnection .
As you are getting curious about that little girl, you will begin to REMEMBER who she is. What she like. What she looks like. What happened to her. It’s time to remember HER and HONOR HER!
Now it’s time to truly REALIGN with her. This is a time for you to infuse your current self with your “younger” self. Don’t leave her behind. She’s still a part of you.